
Benefits of basil leaves for health

Benefits of basil leaves for health 

For Indonesian people, basil leaves are often consumed as fresh vegetables. Because it is known as fresh vegetables, many people do not know that many of the benefits of basil leaves can be obtained by the body.

The benefits of basil leaves that many people know are merely used in various cuisines and do not discuss about the benefits of deeper basil leaves, for example about the benefits of basil leaves for health.

In China, the plant is used as a stomach ache medication, snake bites, infections, insect stings, and drugs as a cancer medication. Many other countries also utilize basil leaves as traditional medicine, such as the Philippines, Greece, Tanzania, Mexico, and the European and American countries.

Apart from the research evidence, the leaves of basil in empirical have been used in herbal medicine for various diseases, both in Indonesia and other countries.

Benefits of basil leaves

Benefits of basil leaves for health

Here are some benefits of basil leaves for health, including:

1. Maintain Cardiovascular health

Benefit of the first basil leaves to maintain cardiovascular health. Basil leaves are rich in beta carotene and magnesium, a vital mineral that serves to maintain and maintain cardiovascular health. Therefore, in addition to regular exercise and maintaining a healthy diet, taking regular basil leaves can also strengthen your heart.

2. Improve appetite

The fragrant scent of basil is inviting appetite. If many people consume the leaves of basil as vegetables, a mixture of pepes, Karedok or other. The benefits of basil leaves can increase appetite and make food become lava because the scent of basil leaves are distinctive.

3. Strengthening the sperm life and preventing infertility

In addition to serving dishes, basil leaves contain arginine substances that are proven to prevent infertility while strengthening the life of sperm.

Basil leaves also contain compounds that are able to stimulate the formation of estrogen and androgen hormones. The benefits of basil for reproductive health are essential for couples who plan to possess or add to offspring.

If anyone has an ejaculation complaint, basil leaves have a substance of Eugenol and Apigenin Fenkhona that can help make the erection easier.

4. Lowering blood sugar

Many people dislike to eat basil leaves for some reason or strong aroma. However, who is thought the efficacy of basil leaves for other health is lowering the blood sugar levels. Control your blood sugar to keep it normal by eating basil regularly.

5. Prevents bad breath and body odor

The efficacy of basil leaves for other health is preventing body odor and bad breath. If you do not like the smell if eaten directly, you can also make the water of basil leaves mixed with the leaves of beluntas and turmeric then drink it regularly every day.

6. Treat breast tenderness, vaginal problems, kidney stones & Albuminaria

John Henry M in his book called A Dictionary of Practical Material Medical mentions that the efficacy of basil for health is to overcome vaginal disturbances, diarrhoea, breast tenderness, and to overcome albuminaria and kidney stones.

7. Overcoming flu, headache, worms, and constipation

Based on research by the Center for New Crops and Plant Products by Purdue University, the efficacy of a potent basil addresses complaints of headaches, flu, diarrhea, intestinal worms, constipation to kidney disease.

8. Overcoming wind entry, flatulence, ulcer and bowel problems

Still from the results of the same research researchers have proved the benefits of basil leaves able to cope with seizures, flatulence, ulcer, lethargy, until the wind enters. The scent of basil leaves can also be used as a mosquito repellent.

Moreover, the other benefits of Basil is to overcome the problem of intestinal infections, vomiting, headache, digestion, fever, to gastric inflammation.

9. As a massage oil

The benefits of basil can be used to massage. Basil leaves can be distilled due to the high density of essential oils where the scent of basil will disappear within twenty-four hours after being applied to the body. Essential oils can make the body fresher and relieve the pain when used as a aroma massage oil.

10. Nourish the Brain

Decreased cognitive ability has been a serious problem for the elderly today. However, there are researchers who mention that consuming basil leaves is very helpful in preventing cognitive degradation. Basil leaves contain compounds such as manganese that are observed to increase the activity of electronic transmitters in the brain. This activity is associated with mental reflexes. This herb also contains copper which can help stimulate the mind enhancing function.

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